Can professional journalism be replaced by our Citizens?

The answer to this question is simple. No.

Citizens can not replace what is professional journalism for citizen journalism. While most people do rely heavily on twitter and Facebook to receive any type of current news; Newspapers, Magazines, and Books are all important mediums that are not going anywhere.

Now a days being a Journalist is not as easy as it was even 5 years ago. With new social media websites being created all the time, journalist really have to stay on top of things.

All the more, citizen journalism isn’t so bad and its something that we need. People like to hear other peoples opinions on topics, you can’t always listen to the news which is always more biased when it comes to political issues.

Vice Versa, we also need professional journalism as well. We need to be able to seek and find trusted news sources to rely on for the most important news stories.

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